The purpose of the image was.... well, honestly?? Not a clue. I saw an opportunity and I took it. Inspiration for another blog post was scarce, but here I was, sat in front of a Mac at the University and suddenly I noticed just how obvious my reflection was in the monitor.
The only piece of equipment available to me at this particular moment in time was my Samsung smartphone. This will, therefore, serve to provide demonstration to the belief that you don't need state-of-the-art photography equipment to create an attractive image. Though I suppose having a state-of-the-art Mac suite would be immensely beneficial in this instance.
FramingThe image is as close to centrally aligned as I could manage, bearing in mind certain factors; the desktop of the Mac I was using had a number of icons available along the right side and along the bottom. These reduced the space I could use if I wanted to ensure no icons made it onto the image.
There are three sources of light within this image:
- The Window - Natural Light Source
- The Phone's Flash - Artificial Light Source
- The Mac Screen - Artificial Light Source
In short, the image contains a combination of both natural and artificial light sources.
Much to my disbelief, the only source of light I would say is most affecting the image directly is the natural light coming in through the window behind me. It helps to provide contrast to the rest of the image, making my figure stand out against the background. The Mac screen provides a much subtler source of light - most predominantly on the right-hand side of the image, whilst the flash of the phone served to create a (deliberate) lens flare. In reality, I was slightly out with regards to framing: I had hoped that the lens flare would have completely covered the mouth area. However, I am still happy with the location - rather than leaving out a body-part, there is the subtlest hint that it exists, and so viewers are aware that behind the camera is the mouth that would normally be there. It almost feels like a sneak-peak.
Signifiers & Signifieds
- The figure (aka ME!)
- The phone
- The glasses
- The stars
The figure is the main part of the image (and this isn't me being egotistic, so just work with me). In terms of photography, it should represent a memory that is to be saved, else there is no point of taking the photograph. In this case, because I'm the one who took the image, I will always associate the image with writing this blog entry. It was created specifically for a piece of work, and thus has little to no other significance in my life (although I really like the image, so might choose to make it my Facebook picture). But to someone who doesn't know me, it could signify something completely different.
From a subjective point of view, if I was looking at this as an outsider, I would see the figure and think; 'Student'. Mainly because of age. Also, the fact that the figure appears to be sitting at a desk (though this is not made obvious - you can partially see the chair but not the actual desk) helps to narrow down options to one of two - either a student, or somebody who has a desk-job. Thus, age and location make me think of a student.
Typically, glasses are associated with intelligence. I have no idea why this is, it could be a stereotype that just happens to have lasted world-wide. Nerds and geeks are often seen wearing them, and these types of people are stereotypically fairly smart in certain areas. It is widely assumed that those who wear glasses are generally 'smarter', or at least are trying to make themselves look more intelligent by wearing them. In my case, I wear glasses because I have to, not because I want to. Without them, I'm blind. But as an outsider thinking stereotypically, I would see the glasses and think the person in the image was intelligent; now, of course, I know myself and how untrue that statement is. So here is an example of 'inaccurate' stereotyping in action.
The stars are symbolic of space and the worlds beyond the one we know. I can see stars in the image, and I think of how life at University can be like living on a whole new planet. It really is an out-of-this-world experience; something that will only ever happen once and should be treasured: the tiny smile on my face and my neutral expression should represent my contentment, as well - another signifier!
The phone signifies communication. Or lack, thereof. On a way deeper level, it can represent the module I am working on - how images can communicate with viewers without words. But at the time, I was happy to settle for the idea of mobile communication overwriting physical human-interaction (which is why I deliberately tried to place the phone over the mouth area). After all, who needs a voice when you can email, text, Facebook and Tweet from your phone?
Funny. All those little representations. I'd never have thought so deeply into the image, were I not required to do so for my coursework. But it is interesting what you can come up with, even with the vaguest of images...