Monday 22 June 2009

'Late Again ...' Stop-Motion Animation

For my Unit 32 project, I had to research, plan, create and evaluate a Stop-Motion Animation. I worked with Jade Hodgson to plan and create a cut-out animation, and then personally edited the footage at the end to personalise it. We could have used any form of Stop-Motion Animation - Cut-out, Claymation or Pixilation - but we chose Cut-Out thinking it would be more interesting and potentially easier than the other options.

How wrong we were!

But anyway, here's what we came up with in the end. The footage was taken together - with us both filming and moving the characters. I have personally added in the border, the sound effects and the lighting alterations. We were trying to work to standards assimilating South Park and other professional cut-out animations - we tried to reflect this by using strong, block colours and simply designed characters. This, I am happy with. However, I'm not overly happy with the frame rate. Due to technical glitches (like cameras running out of battery and an absence of any form of artificial lighting!) the finished animation isn't as smooth and 'professional' as I was really aiming for. But hey ho. At least it's all done now!

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